Saturday 4 December 2010

Weather looks good .... at last!

Fingers crossed, it looks like the bad weather is behind us - at least for tomorrow morning. The forecast says cloudy, cold and dry - perfect running weather.

Do watch out for ice patches and any remains of slippery snow on the pavements.

Have a great Fun Run!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cracking event! I thought it was very well organised from the sign-up to start line. Well done to all those who worked behind the scenes to make it run so smoothly.

    Getting the chance to run with, and chat to, Sir Steve Redgrave was an added bonus!

    Now, I just have to keep up the training for the Henley Ironman next year

  3. Good run but goody bags had run out by the time we finished (a team of 6 runners!). Weather fab and made it snow/ ice free!
